
Showing posts from 2011

Situational Factors - the unexpected and uncontrolable bits of teaching

A Gleeful GTC Experience

How to teach "character"?

Writing in the Classroom

What is the Purpose of Education?

10.17.11 Rick West and Teaching With Questions

10.10.11 Student Engagement in the Classroom

What makes student learn?

The Technological Tool Box and Building Student Skill and Knowledge

Thinking about how to utilize technology in the classroom

Schedule for Fall 2011


American RadioWorks: Podcast Friday: Don’t Lecture Me!


Asking Questions in Lecture

GTC Summer 2011 Schedule

Science editor's thoughts on science education


Speaking Up in Class, Silently, Using Social Media (NY TIMES article)

GTC feedback survey

Memorization in learning

UC Davis 2011 Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award!

Why teaching?

January 24 -> Delivery of information, What makes it clear?

Retrieval practice (e.g. tests) may help memorization...more than concept mapping.

Winter Workshop Series-- Student Engagement: Mission Possible